Stop And Think

by Joanne Baumeister Turner

Think about it for a minute. Just stop whatever you are doing right now, and consider this; we have a God of unimaginable magnitude; with power we cannot begin to wrap our brain around; who thought – THOUGHT, the universe into existence . This Being – Creator has, for His own reasons, chosen to love and care for YOU and ME! Why? Only He knows. But doesn’t reason tell us that if all the above is true, and He says “Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you” that we could not only trust His word – but should RUN INTO HIS ARMS AND GIVE UP? Please stop and think about it – right this minute!! HE GAVE HIS LIFE TO SAVE US!! If some eccentric billionaire you didn’t even know, cared enough about your hopeless situation to give up all his money, and homes, and treasures – everything – so he could pull you out of a filthy pit; and then exchange himself – be tortured and die in your place to save your fickle heart from certain destruction; wouldn’t you be indebted to him for the rest of your life? Wouldn’t you be willing to give all of yourself to show your gratitude?


But that’s not even really what our God is asking of us. He wants to be with us; hear about our day; know what we long for in our hearts; BE OUR FRIEND, MENTOR, FATHER, COMFORTER, REFRESHING LIVING WATER and stay with us every moment of every day! How can we not praise Him? How can we not give Him glory and honor; how can we hesitate tolavish upon Him our love for wanting us so much that He sacrificed everything to pay our ransom? How can we NOT say “I Am Yours for Eternity”!!   What a wonderful, beautiful God we serve!!